On the occasion of the feast of St Francis of Assisi our Minister General, Br Massimo Fusarelli ofm, exhorted us friars to welcome the spirit of the Synod being celebrated in these weeks, that seeks to deepen the theme of listening. “Our charism, in fact, was born from the Gospel”, the Minister General reflected, “heard by Francis at the Porziuncola, listening to the Gospel that immediately became also listening to the Church.”
Authentic listening should lead to mutual openness within our fraternities, which make our fraternal relationships a journey of communion and fidelity to the Gospel. Deep listening is capable of overcoming the differences and polarizations of our time and is at the basis of our vocation. We were “called” and we listened. We accepted to be a word and a gift for others.
The full message can be read from: https://ofm.org/uploads/LetteraSanFrancesco2023%20EN.pdf