Provincial Chapter: Day 4

Today, Thursday 23rdJuly, fourth day of our Provincial Chapter, at 4pm the General Visitator, Br Jeffrey Scheeler, commenced our gathering with “The Praises of God” of St Francis. Br Ray Scicluna did the roll call and Br Walter Vassallo read the minutes and had them approved by a show of hands.

The Secretary read out a message sent to the Chapter on behalf of by H.E. the Apostolic Nuncio for Malta Alesandro D’Errico and a letter from Fr Charles M. Grech and the Maltese friars in Canada.

The President of the Chapter, Br Valmir Ramos, read a message sent by the Minister General Br Michael A. Perry.

The Moderator asked for a show of hands on the following question: “Jien irrid li l-vot fuq il-proposti jkun wieħed sigriet”. To this the friars, 37 in number, voted: 32 in favour, 3 against, 2 abstained. The voting on the proposals will be done through a secret vote.

Br Valmir said that during the group discussions everyone should have the right to speak and therefore one should limit himself to a maximum of five minutes. We should listen to the opinions of others.

The Moderator read out today’s workshop themes and questions and the assembly split into three groups to discuss the subject matter.

At 6:30pm we came together again in the main hall and each group reported their reflections. (The reports of each group were sent via email and added to the Acts of the Chapter).

At 7:00pm we prayed the Vespers and closed the day at 7:15pm with the antiphone Tota Pulchra.
